SUSECON 2023 - Interview with Don Vosburg and Miguel Pérez Colino


In our special we're thrilled talking to Don Vosburg and Miguel Pérez Colino about SUSE Manager and the Uyuni project. Don as an long-time user and contributor had a lot of great stories to share. Together with Miguel we had a look at the history and future of the project. Coming from the Spacewalk codebase that was published for the first time in 2008 a lot of innovation took place in the meantime. Beside various code optimizations and a new web interface, SaltStack also became central part of the product. For the future, the project will shift to container-based deployments - proxy servers are already support since October 2022.

Note: Please excuse the occasional crackles and sound dropouts. We tried to get the best out of the recordings, but apparently our travel equipment is dying.

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